Past Articles in Practice

  1. Tuesday Tips: Break The Disc Golf Course [Your Best Year Ever]

    How to get the most out of every round.

  2. Tuesday Tips: Easy Drills to Fix Your Disc Golf Swing Before Spring [Your Best Year Ever]

    Everyone can get to a 900 rating.

  3. Tuesday Tips: Build a Better Putt

    You can build your putt from the ground up and make it better. And you can do it faster than you think.

  4. Tuesday Tips: How to Prepare for a Course You’ve Never Played

    You can still prepare, even when you can't play practice rounds.

  5. Tuesday Tips: Find Your Perfect Disc Golf Tempo

    "Slow down" means something specific.

  6. Tuesday Tips: Don’t Fake Your X-Step

    Going through the motions of an x-step isn't helping you throw farther

  7. Tuesday Tips: Throwing on the Wide Rail

    You don't have to do a deep, straight reachback to throw far

  8. Tuesday Tips: Should You Copy the Pros?

    You might not be able to mimic your way to a World title, but you can certainly get better.

  9. Tuesday Tips: Managing Wind in Disc Golf

    I hate wind. In all honesty, I would rather play in a foot of snow than wind. And I’m from Tampa.

  10. Tuesday Tips: How to Throw a Standstill Shot

    When you need to take the footwork out of the equation.

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