Past Articles in Lauri Lehtinen

Find more information on the Lauri Lehtinen player page.

  1. 2024 Fandom Survey: What Drives Fans to Root for Certain Players?

    How different factors impact our fandom.

  2. 2024 Fandom Survey: Which Pros Do We Root For (and Against)?

    Evaluating pro player popularity in disc golf.

  3. Sponsorship Updates: Buhr, Harris Leaving Prodigy; Emerson Keith to Innova

    Lots of dominos still have to fall.

  4. 2023 Fandom Survey: Which Pros Do We Root For (and Against)?

    Evaluating pro player popularity in disc golf.

  5. Pro Worlds Round 4 Recap: Isaac Robinson Takes Control, Hole 18 Bites Missy Gannon Again

    Robinson has a three-shot lead; Tattar up by five.

  6. Pro Worlds Round 3 Recap: Missy Brings the Fight, Redalen Surges to Lead

    A battle in both divisions -- in very different circumstances.

  7. Inside The Numbers: 2022 European Open

    A battle for the ages.

  8. The Upshot: College Champs, European Results, Tallahassee Preview [Pres. by Pound Disc Golf]

    How have the Europeans been playing?

  9. The Upshot: Music City Open, Silver Series Thoughts, Pace of Play [Pres. by Pound Disc Golf]

    Charlie Eisenhood and Josh Mansfield break down the Music City Open, Chris Dickerson and Missy Gannon’s wins, and other key storylines, including Lauri Lehtinen’s breakout…

  10. The 2022 Disc Golf Season Mega-Preview

    The stories we're following to start the season.

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