Andrew Marwede Announcing New Sponsor December 20

Marwede has been sponsored by Innova since 2018

Andrew Marwede will be announcing a new disc sponsor on Monday, December 20, and has ended his agreement with Innova. He had been with the California company since the 2018 season.

“In 2022 I’ll be letting go and moving on… New plastic, same drive to succeed,” said Marwede. He added he has, “never felt more confident in a partnership.”

The Michigan man took Kyle Klein to a playoff at the Idlewild Open and had three more top five Elite Series finishes in 2021, as well as seven B-tier victories. Marwede reached a career high rating of 1031 in April.

  1. Bennett Wineka
    Bennett Wineka

    Benn started playing disc golf in the '90s but has somehow never gotten any better. He lives in Decatur, Georgia and cares too much about Atlanta United and UNC basketball. Email him at [email protected]

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