A fun and varied show this week!
February 4, 2020 by Charlie Eisenhood and Jamie Thomas in Fantasy, Podcast
Charlie Eisenhood and Jamie Thomas discuss the Super Bowl, Samui Swine, and Paul McBeth’s plan to play through his ankle injury before welcoming in Gateway owner David McCormack (26:37) for an interview. Later, they talk about what would make fantasy disc golf better (1:08:20).
The Upshot: McBeth Injury Latest, Gateway’s David McCormack, Fantasy Disc Golf
You can contact Charlie and Jamie at [email protected].
Note: You can follow Ultiworld and The Upshot on Spreaker. The podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Deezer, RSS, Google Play, and your other favorite podcasting apps!
Don’t miss our subscriber only bonus conversation with UDisc’s Matt Krueger, including a sneak peek of a new feature coming to the app!
Bonus Content for The Upshot: McBeth Injury Latest, Gateway’s David McCormack, Fantasy Disc Golf is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers
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