The Upshot: PDGA Pro Worlds Preview

The biggest tournament of the year so far.

Steve Hill and Charlie Eisenhood preview this week’s PDGA Pro Worlds, including discussion of what a win could mean for Ricky Wysocki, a look at the contenders & darkhorses, and a breakdown of Ultiworld Disc Golf’s extensive planned coverage from Emporia.

The Upshot: PDGA Pro Worlds Preview

Music: Carry On My Wayward Son – Kansas

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  1. Charlie Eisenhood
    Charlie Eisenhood

    Charlie Eisenhood is the publisher of Ultiworld Disc Golf. You can contact him at [email protected].

  2. Steve Hill
    Steve Hill

    Steve Hill is the editor of Ultiworld Disc Golf. He provides reviews from the perspective of a low-powered player at Noodle Arm Disc Golf, and in the past served as the associate editor for Rattling Chains. Contact him at [email protected] or on Twitter.


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