A windy, weird weekend!
May 12, 2022 by Charlie Eisenhood and Josh Mansfield in Podcast
Charlie Eisenhood and Josh Mansfield discuss the latest ratings update and whether ratings have value for assessing pro players. Then they break down the upcoming Santa Cruz Masters Cup and get prepared for DeLa.
Check out every Upshot over/under and all the tournament picks — and make your own!
The Upshot: Ratings Reax, Masters Cup Preview
You can contact Charlie and Josh at [email protected].
Note: You can follow Ultiworld and The Upshot on Spreaker. The podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Deezer, RSS, Google Play, and your other favorite podcasting apps!
In this week’s Upshot subscriber bonus segment, Charlie and Josh discuss their interview with James Conrad and some topics during the conversation.
Bonus Content for The Upshot: Ratings Reax, Masters Cup Preview [Pres. by Pound Disc Golf] is only available to Ultiworld Subscribers
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