PlayerUWDG Power Ranking (8/5/16)PDGA Rating (7/19/16)Holes PlayedBirdie %Par %Bogey %BRBR+SVEPFW HitsGIRICP
Barsby, Gregg17101819240.6%47.9%11.5%85.0%55%-1.21778846267%40%90%
Brathwaite, Philo12102155843.0%44.6%12.4%83.9%42%-1.13404933368%36%92%
Doss, Nate3102945042.7%49.1%8.2%87.5%34%0.53962276369%53%88%
Geisinger, Alex7101526447.3%43.2%9.5%94.7%32%0.44665807763%65%94%
Gibson, Drew18101340839.7%46.8%13.5%76.9%35%-1.39850523666%39%93%
Koling, Jeremy13102440840.2%46.3%13.5%79.6%37%-0.64479999557%42%88%
Leiviska, Cale9101922844.3%46.9%8.8%90.0%65%0.1753807669%50%92%
Lizotte, Simon21102836050.6%40.0%9.4%83.3%40%0.353351159
Locastro, Nikko19103250442.9%45.8%11.3%88.5%52%-0.84461870765%42%90%
McBeth, Paul6105463650.3%39.9%9.7%84.7%49%1.18602014947%63%92%
McMahon, Eagle4102543745.1%42.1%12.8%79.2%48%0.06815404366%51%93%
Melton, Zach20101614444.4%45.8%9.7%78.6%36%-0.62367754854%26%97%
Musick, Bobby2410159035.6%58.9%5.6%80.0%20%-1.78787878862%42%91%
Nybo, K.J.11103119851.5%39.4%9.1%87.5%56%-0.259644277
Orum, Matt28102119845.5%46.5%8.1%93.8%50%-0.905964624
Owens, Devan10101529439.8%49.7%10.5%92.9%43%-0.06891306957%44%93%
Proctor, James2710185431.5%48.1%20.4%70.0%40%-3.93333333352%30%90%
Rico, Steve23102210226.5%56.9%16.7%73.3%7%-1.018181818
Schusterick, Will22101932437.7%49.1%13.3%85.0%25%-1.31198115665%42%88%
Seaborn, Miles2610213636.1%50.0%13.9%100.0%25%-0.6
Sexton, Nate2102855245.5%47.5%7.1%94.4%33%0.21892124864%51%93%
Todd, Cam25101418637.6%49.5%12.9%82.6%17%-1.61782572359%39%92%
Ulibarri, Paul8101948642.6%49.0%8.4%90.0%43%0.10251132368%48%86%
Williams, Bradley5102421046.7%46.2%7.1%92.3%46%0.78768184268%51%90%
Wysocki, Ricky1104869052.6%40.1%7.2%91.1%58%2.2669277573%50%94%


Ultiworld Disc Golf Metrics Defined

BR – Bogey Recovery: The percentage of time a player cards a par or better after a bogey

BR+ – Bogey Recovery Plus: The percentage of time a player cards a birdie or better after a bogey

SVEP – Strokes Versus Elite Players: A measure of how players perform against par, where par is calculated as the average score of “elite” players (rating of 1015 or higher for men, 909 for women) and where at least four players played the hole. A SVEP of greater than zero indicates a player scores better than the elite player average.

Disc Golf World Tour/Disc Golf Pro Tour Metrics Defined

FW Hits – Fairway Hits: Percentage of time a player lands in the fairway off the tee (or on subsequent shots for par 4s and 5s)

GIR – Greens in Regulation: Percentage of the time a players lands on the green in par minus 2 throws

ICP – Inside the Circle Putting: Percentage of putts made from within 10 meters of the basket

Stats curated and compiled from PDGA Live Scoring, UDisc, and Disc Golf World Tour by Ultiworld Disc Golf Metrics and Research Analyst John Klimp